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C r y p t o l o g y » D i g i t a l   A g e   T i m e l i n e
Timeline of notable cryptology events (in white), spanning 1946 CE up to present day. Includes notable linguistic, scientific and anthropological events of contextual importance (in blue). Click on More » for more information.

1949 CE

Claude Shannon publishes a paper on his Unicity Concept. The Unicity Concept measures the least amount of plaintext which can be uniquely deciphered from the corresponding ciphertext, given unbounded resouces by the attacker.
1968 CE

John Anthony Walker Jr., a Chief Warrant Officer and communications specialist for the U.S. Navy, begins seventeen years of espionage for the Soviet Union, copying keys and sending them to the Soviets.
1968 CE

James Ellis, Clifford Cocks and Malcolm Williamson are the original inventors of public key cryptography. Their work for GCHQ is kept secret until 1997.
1971 CE

Horst Feistel creates Lucifer at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Laboratory. Lucifer is an early block cipher, a direct precursor to DES.
1973 CE

David Bell and Len LaPadula create the Bell-LaPadula Security Policy Model, a model of computer security that describes access control rules.
1976 CE

Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman publish New Directions in Cryptography, introducing a new method of distributing cryptographic keys.
1977 CE

Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard M. Adleman develop the RSA algorithm.
1978 CE

The RSA algorithm is published in the Communications of the ACM.
1983 CE

The U.S. Department of Defense publishes the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria a.k.a. the Orange Book, a part of the Rainbow Series.
1984 CE

The ROT-13 shift cipher is introduced into USENET. More »
1987 CE

The Clark-Wilson Integrity Model is developed and used.
1987 CE

Ron Rivest develops RC4 a.k.a. ARCFOUR stream cipher.
1988 CE

Kerberos, the network authentication protocol, is developed at MIT
1990 CE

Charles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard, et al publish their experimental results on Quantum Cryptography.
1990 CE

Xuejia Lai and James Massey publish A Proposal for a New Block Encryption Standard, a proposed International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) to replace DES.
1991 CE

Phil Zimmermann publishes PGP (Pretty Good Privacy).
1993 CE

The Clipper Chip a.k.a. Escrowed Encryption Standard is announced.
1993 CE

Bruce Schneier develops Blowfish algorithm.
1994 CE

Ron Rivest develops RC5.
1997 CE

distributed.net, the first general-purpose distributed computing project, is founded.
1998 CE

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which criminalizes copyright circumvention, becomes U.S. law.
1998 CE

Electronic Frontier Foundation uses Deep Crack to brute force DES.
2000 CE

RSA algorithm is released into the public domain.
2004 CE

MD5 hash is shown to be vulnerable to practical collision attack.
Present Day

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